Pengfei He


428 S Shaw Ln Rm 3308

East Lansing, MI, 48824

I am a PhD student major in Computer Science and Engineering and minor in Probability and Statistics, at Michigan State University.

My research interests are robustness and safety of machine learning models, optimization and machine learning foundations. Currently, I am interested in evaluate the robustness of self-/un-supervised learning models, including diffusion models, large language models and text-image foundation models. Looking forward to communicating with people from different fields!

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish!


Jun 3, 2024 I start a new position as Research Intern at Alibaba Group(US) in Bellevue, WA.
May 16, 2024 We have two papers( Exploring Memorization in Fine-tuned Language Models; The Good and The Bad: Exploring Privacy Issues in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)) accepted to ACL2024!
Feb 6, 2024 We preprint a paper: Data Poisoning for In-context Learning
Feb 6, 2024 We preprint a paper: Superiority of Multi-Head Attention in In-Context Linear Regression
Feb 5, 2024 We release our survey paper about copyright: Copyright Protection in Generative AI: A Technical Perspective
Jan 16, 2024 Our paper: Sharpness-aware Data Poisoning Attack is accepted as Spotlight (5%) by ICLR2024!
Oct 11, 2023 We preprint a paper: Exploring Memorization in Fine-tuned Language Models.
Oct 10, 2023 We preprint a paper: On the Generalization of Training-based ChatGPT Detection Methods.
Oct 10, 2023 We preprint a paper: FT-Shield: A Watermark Against Unauthorized Fine-tuning in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models.
Oct 9, 2023 We preprint a paper: Confidence-driven Sampling for Backdoor Attacks.